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One of your many options when you shop with us at Cilek Kids Room for your children’s themed bedroom furniture is pirate bedroom decor. For kids aged from about four to twelve, for boys and some girls, there could be nothing better nor more imagination-kindling than to have a pirate ship bed and its attendant trimmings.

But why are kids so fascinated with pirates? For that matter, why are any of us?

From Peter Pan to Pirates of the Caribbean, and even very old Hollywood swashbuckler classics like The Black Swan, Captain Blood, and The Pirate – for generations, adults and kids alike have not been able to get enough of the legendary stories of the high seas, buried treasure, peg legs and eye patches, cannons, parrots, hidden coves and beaches, bottles of rum, and the skull and crossbones. But considering the reality of pirates, why do we have such a romanticized view of them?

The key to this is the idea of pirates of old – and the golden age of pirates occurred three hundred years ago. The stereotype of the pirate is based on an amalgamation of these seafarers of the early 1700s. Even at that time, the general public romanticized these felons (like the infamous Blackbeard) – easier to do when one was safe on dry land!

Pirates were (and are) the lowest of the low – lawless without apology. They pillaged and plundered and were more than a little bit frightening. And isn’t it true that in any story, the villain is the most interesting character?

Popular culture sees pirates play a leading role even as far back as Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island, written in 1888, and Daphne du Maurier’s Jamaica Inn (1936). But the very first book to romanticize pirates was published in 1724 –it was non-fiction and included interviews with real pirates of the time.

Today we lightheartedly embrace pirate lore – we watch movies, play games, and even participate in International Talk like a Pirate Day in September each year. And if your child shares a love and fascination for pirates, you can bring the world of the high seas to life in your little one’s bedroom with a pirate ship bed and pirate bedroom decor from Cilek Kids Room. Your child’s room will be so much more than just a place to sleep – it will be a place for thrills, adventure, a little bit of danger, and exploration – all in the safe haven of your child’s imagination. Arrgghh!!

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